Pet Health

  • DE is a completely organic and natural de-wormer. Sprinkle a small amount of DE on your pet's food regularly to help your furry friend keep free of nasty parasites.
  • Tick & Flea control: Gently rub some DE into your pets coat to get rid of those itchy biters. Remember to dust their beds and boxes and well!
  • Gently apply DE to your feathered friend's feathers to help in freeing it from lice and mites.

Healthy Me, Healthy You

Consuming a small amount of DE on a regular basis has shown to have numerous health benefits.

  • Its high silica content promotes healthier bones, teeth, skin, hair and nails!
  • DE has a detoxifying effect on the body, and helps to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol!
  • Gut Health - DE has anti-parasitic effects, thus clearing the colon of most nasties and promoting a clean, healthy gut!
  • DE's drying properties assist with surface fungal infections. Sprinkle on infected area to help with athletes foot and other fungal infections.

Natural Pest Control

  • Dust DE in and around your home to eradicate and deter insects such as bedbugs, spiders, ants, cockroaches and more! 
  • Sprinkle a ring of DE around plants with known slug invaders to stop them chomping.


  • Adding a small amount of DE to your soil can improve the photosynthetic activity in your plants, assist with heat stress and improve plant defense.
  • The Silica In DE adds to the vital health and natural defense of your plants against both biological and environmental stresses, resulting in significantly increased yields.
  • DE is earthworm friendly!

Contact us today for a list of our safe, eco-friendly products!